


What is the latest price list for Wanhe gas water heaters in 2021?

Are you in need of a gas water heater for your home? Look no further than Wanhe, a reliable supplier of quality gas water heaters. Here is a breakdown of the latest 2021 price list for Wanhe gas water heaters:

What are the options available?

Wanhe offers a range of gas water heaters to suit your needs. The prices will vary depending on the options you choose. The options include storage type, instantaneous type, forced exhaust type, natural exhaust type, and more.

How much does a Wanhe gas water heater cost?

The cost of a Wanhe gas water heater will depend on the model and features you choose. Prices range from as low as ¥829 ($127) for a basic model, to as high as ¥3,999 ($614) for a more advanced model.

Are there any additional costs?

When purchasing a Wanhe gas water heater, you may also need to factor in installation costs. Installation costs will depend on where you live and the complexity of the installation. It is best to contact a Wanhe dealer for a quote prior to purchasing your gas water heater.

Where can I purchase a Wanhe gas water heater?

Wanhe gas water heaters can be purchased from authorized dealers. You can either visit a physical store or purchase online through their official website. Make sure to do your research to find a reputable dealer near you.


Investing in a Wanhe gas water heater is a great choice for any home. With a range of options to choose from and competitive pricing, you can be sure to find the right fit for your needs and budget. Make sure to factor in any additional costs such as installation, and purchase through an authorized dealer for peace of mind.

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