



Before diving into the usage of TP0, it is important to understand what it is. TP0 is a lightweight PHP development framework designed for web application development. It follows the architectural pattern of Model-View-Controller (MVC) and provides basic functionalities for database operations, routing, and templating.


There are multiple ways to install TP0, but the most common ones are using Composer or downloading the source code from Github. To install TP0 using Composer, run the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project topthink/think tp0

This will download the required dependencies and create a new directory called \"tp0\" that contains the TP0 framework files.


Creating a new controller and template file in TP0 is a straightforward process. First, create a new PHP file in the \"application/controller\" directory and define a new class that extends the \"think/Controller\" class. Here is an example:

namespace app\\controller;
use think\\Controller;
class Index extends Controller
    public function index()
        return $this->fetch('index');

This creates a new controller called \"Index\" that has an action called \"index\". The \"fetch\" method returns the contents of the \"index.html\" template file located in the \"application/view\" directory.


Defining a new route in TP0 is done by editing the \"route.php\" file located in the \"application\" directory. Here is an example:

Route::rule('hello/:name', 'index/hello', 'GET')

This creates a new route that maps any URL that has the pattern \"/hello/:name\" to the \"hello\" action in the \"Index\" controller. The \":name\" parameter is passed as an argument to the action method. The last parameter specifies the HTTP method that should be used.


TP0 provides a basic database query builder that can be used to perform common database operations. Here is an example:

$users = Db::table('user')
             ->where('status', 1)
             ->whereOr('age', '>', 18)

This selects all users from the \"user\" table where the \"status\" is equal to 1 or the \"age\" is greater than 18.


TP0 is a lightweight PHP framework that can be used to develop web applications quickly and efficiently. It follows the MVC architectural pattern and provides basic functionalities for database operations, routing, and templating. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly get started with TP0 and build your own web applications.

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